Digital Convergence Initiative

An open and transparent international initiative to support the digital transformation of social protection systems and build global consensus on interoperability standards.

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What is the challenge at hand?

Despite widespread recognition of the benefits that digital solutions can unleash, countries are struggling to fully realise them.

Even though social protection programme follow a common set of processes, fragmented social protection information systems are unable to communicate with other systems. This lack of harmonisation and interoperability not only impacts on social protection outcomes, but also leads to wasted public expenditure.

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Why is interoperability for social protection so important?

"Giving good quality services to people is central to a citizen centered government. For this reason, in Chile we are convinced that digital transformation is urgent to improve the interactions between people and public services. In this sense, having integrated and interoperable information systems for delivery of social protection programs is key. Thus, for example, it is possible reducing the amount of information asked to people, since likely at least one other public agency already has it." Verónica Achá-Alvarez Department Lead on Analysis of Social Information, Ministry of Social Development and Family Chile
"DCI is uniquely positioned to build consensus on standards for the social protection sector. The standards enable digital public goods to be interoperable, contributing to efficiency and transparency in social protection delivery. This will help countries to get best-in-class digital solutions." CV Madhukar CEO Co-Develop
"It is critical that we align our social protection digital investments with work on digital public infrastructure (e.g., ID, payments) to ensure that countries and donors are investing their money in reusable public goods designed to protect citizens to ensure a positive digital future." Kate Wilson Founder and Senior Advisor, The Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL)
"Learning constantly is the biggest thrill. That is what the opportunity to be in the Steering Group of the Digital Convergence Initiative is providing me. Along with the colleagues from GIZ and the World Bank we expand our understanding and knowledge while trying to showcase and structure practical and useful solutions for Digital Social Protection. The results are already coming in and seem quite promising. The DCI tries to channel the synergy between different experiences towards concrete standards for interoperability in social protection systems. This can be game changing if you are within or even at the start of your Digital Transformation journey." Rodrigo Ortiz D'avila Assumpcao CEO Dataprev
"Since its launch, the DCI has been playing a critical role in bringing together a community of social protection, ICT and legal experts to exchange experiences, enhance knowledge and foster a global consensus around the development of common standards and guidelines for social information systems. This is a great contribution as the deployment of digital tools is key to strengthen delivery systems, extending social protection coverage and disbursing benefits more timeously and effectively."

Alejandro Grinspun Senior Economist in the Social Protection Team, FAO
"Türkiye is pleased to be part of DCI generating convergence among the countries in developing their own SPS. DCI gives a chance to us sharing our experiences in establishing and running of the digital system and creates oppourtunities to learn different modalities in designing SP programs and solutions of the problems in digital SPS from other countries experiences. Digital infrastructure in SPS is facilitator to reach SDGs’ targets, and creating social registry is the key factor to enhance SPS." Ercan Dansuk Senior Social Protection Specialist Ministry of Family and Social Services, Türkiye
"Management Information Systems (MISs) are helping governments bypass traditional development trajectories and are now a key investment for building the ‘welfare state’. Converging on some core parameters and standards on how to design and implement MISs will help governments set-up solutions in otherwise lengthy timelines and deliver more rapidly on their mandates." Andres Chamba Social Protection Specialist, World Food Programme
"Social protection systems don't operate well in a silo. To provide inclusive and valuable services to beneficiaries they need to be part of an ecosystem of interoperable information systems that can share data. These interfacing systems range from civil registry platforms like OpenCRVS that provide a flow of eligible beneficiaries, through to the payments systems that route and transfer cash to those most in need." Edward Duffus Product Strategy and Sustainability, OpenCRVS

In focus


Integrated Beneficiary Registry, Social Registry - Public Review

Public Review – Call for Feedback The Digital Convergence Initiative’s IBR & SR – Standards Committee has released the draft standards for public…


Supporting the Digital Transformation and Interoperability of Social Protection Systems Globally towards Achieving the Goal of Universal Social Protection 2030

Supporting the Digital Transformation and Interoperability of Social Protection Systems Globally towards Achieving the Goal of Universal Social Protection 2030 The session will…


Dialogue series: Session 15 - Lebanon

Talking Interoperability #15 The session will be in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. The 15th DCI Talking Interoperability session will showcase Lebanon to…


Dialogue series: Session 14 - Indonesia

Optimising Social Protection and Labor Market Policies: Insights from Indonesia’s Prakerja The session will be in English. Talking interoperability is a dialogue series…


CRVS and SP-MIS Standards Released!

v1.0.0 The Digital Convergence Initiative (DCI) has released the first set of DCI standards on the interoperability of CRVS and Social Protection Management…

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