
Dialogue series: Session 10 – Uzbekistan

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Integrated Social Protection Information System in Uzbekistan

This webinar has English<>Russian interpretation.

Talking interoperability is a dialogue series being convened by the Digital Convergence Initiative (DCI) to facilitate in-depth technical conversations around designing for interoperability in the social protection sector. By bringing together digital social protection and technology experts from government agencies, software vendors, system integrators, and international organizations, it aims to promote peer-based learning and problem-solving through:

  • sharing the technical nitty-gritty of how agencies have designed their social protection information systems for interoperability
  • understanding how agencies have tackled the major challenges to interoperability
  • brainstorming potential solutions to remaining bottlenecks

So far, we have had sessions on Karnataka State (India)BelgiumTurkeyChileCambodia and FranceZambiaBrazil, and Ghana.

The tenth session of the Interoperability Dialogue series will show case Uzbekistan’s Social Protection Single Registry (SPSR), an integrated social protection information platform designed in 2018 by the Ministry of Finance. SPSR facilitates seamless end-to-end delivery of various programs, including digitalization of the processes of beneficiary registration, eligibility, payment, updates, M&E, grievance, and fund allocation through an integrated platform.

The presentation will discuss the architecture and interoperability features of the SPSR and share the challenges and factors leading to its wide acceptance and cooperation amongst different institutions and sectors.


Doerte Bosse, Deputy Head of Unit, INTPA G.4 – Social Inclusion and Protection, Health and Demography

Umid Aliev, Social Policy Specialist, UNICEF Uzbekistan

Rafael Klivleev, Deputy Director of the Department of Financing Budget Policy in Social Sphere of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Otabek Eschanov, Director of the Department of the Development of ICT of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Dorcas Mwathani, Digital Technology Specialist, Development Pathways



Nithin Umapath, Senior Economist, World Bank

Mr. Naveed Akbar, Director General, National Socio Economic Registry/Conditional Cash Transfer (Education, Health, and Nutrition), Benazir Income Support Programme, Government of Pakistan


Ole Doetinchem, Project Manager, GIZ Social Protection Project Uzbekistan

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DCI - Talking Interoperability - session 10 - Uzbekistan - English


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