Interoperability in Action #6 – Social Registry
About the Digital Convergence Initiative
The Digital Convergence Initiative (DCI) is a joint effort by USP2030 members, governments, development partners, civil society, and the private sector to support national social protection systems to advance meaningful data exchange via standards-based interoperability.
Interoperability in Action
Interoperability in Action is a DCI workshop series for the development and consensus building on standards for integrated social protection information systems. This series brings together social protection practitioners and information technology experts from government agencies, private sector, open-source software solution providers, and international organisations.
These workshops are a forum to exchange use cases, interfaces (API & data standards), and experiences regarding the interoperability of systems through the use case scenarios and technical demonstration in a controlled environment.
The workshops will be conducted virtually, with each session highlighting a specific system (e.g., ID, CRVS, Payment etc.) interoperability capability scenario with Social Protection beneficiary Management Information System (SP-MIS). Each session is designed to facilitate a deep dive into process, functional and technical aspects of interoperability between the systems.
Structure of the session
The sixth workshop in the series, will discuss some use cases of interoperability between Social Registry and SP-MIS systems, and demonstrate the Integration with SP-MIS. The demonstration will highlight the value of interoperability for delivering social protection programs.
The workshop will encourage open discussion and feedback on various aspects including use cases, data fields and technical interfaces (API). We also encourage inputs regarding availability of different vendors of open-source solutions, which can be used for interoperability of SP-MIS, Social Registry, thus enabling consensus building on standards.
Melis U. Guven, Global Lead for Social Protection delivery systems (Lead economist), World Bank Group
Naveed Akbar, Director General, National Socio Economic Registry/Conditional Cash Transfer (Education, Health, and Nutrition), Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), Government of Pakistan
Liomar Leite de Morais Lima, Director of Operation of Cadastro Único, Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, Brazil
Kabir Mohammed Abdullahi, National Program Manager of the National Social Safety-nets Coordination Office (NASSCO), Nigeria
Andrea Martin, CORE-MIS, Coordinator
Lewis Malike Kendeh, CORE-MIS, Principal Developer
Anita Mittal, Senior Advisor, Lead Digital Convergence Initiative, GIZ
Closing Remarks:
Cecilia Chávez, Regional Coordinator for Latin America – Social Protection Innovation and Learning, GIZ
Veronika Wodsak, Social Protection Policy Specialist, ILO