Interoperability in Action #7 – Integrated Beneficiary Registry
The Interoperability in Action workshop #7 discussed some use cases of interoperability between Integrated Beneficiary Registry and Social Protection Management Information Systems (SP-MIS), and demonstrated the Integration with SP-MIS. The demonstration highlighted the value of interoperability for delivering social protection programs.
The workshop encouraged open discussion and feedback on various aspects including use cases, data fields and technical interfaces (API). Inputs regarding availability of different vendors of open-source solutions, which can be used for interoperability of SP-MIS, Integrated Beneficiary Registry, thus enabling consensus building on standards were received.
Opening remarks: Veronika Wodsak, Social Protection Policy Specialist, ILO
Valentina Barca, Social Protection Expert, Independent Expert
Meme Shadrack, Principal Information Communication Technology Officer, National Social Protection Secretariat, Kenya
Ercan Dansuk, Senior Social Protection Specialist, General Directorate of Social Assistance, Ministry of Family and Social Services, Turkey
Ali Saip Demiröz, Head of Social Assistance Applications, General Directorate of Information Technologies, Ministry of Family and Social Services, Turkey
Verónica Achá-Alvarez, Head of Social Information Analysis Department, Ministry of Social Development and Family, Chile
Moderator: Veronika Wodsak, Social Protection Policy Specialist, ILO
Closing remarks: Mohamed Almenfi, Social Protection Analyst, World Bank