Talking Interoperability #17 North Macedonia
Macedonia is in the final phase of launching the new integrated Social Welfare Information System (SWIS), which streamlines workflows for cash benefits, social services, and case management. The system was scheduled to go live in January 2025. In 2011, they developed the Cash Benefits Management Information System (CBMIS), which has been instrumental in managing all cash benefit programs. The development of SWIS builds on the lessons learned during the implementation and operation of CBMIS.
In this session the entire process was presented—from the planning phase and the activities that shaped the technical specifications to the software development process—highlighting the challenges encountered along the way.
Opening: Ms. Wanza Mwathani, Advisor for Digital Social Protection, GIZ
- Ms. Elizabeta Kunovska, Project Manager, Social Services Improvement Project, Second Social Services Improvement Project and Social Insurance Administration Project, Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Ms. Sanja Andovska, Procurement Manager and Assistant Project Manager, Social Services Improvement Project, Second Social Services Improvement Project and Social Insurance Administration Project, Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Ms. Anica Gjurovska, IT Manager, Social Services Improvement Project, Second Social Services Improvement Project and Social Insurance Administration Project, Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Ms. Natasa Tasevska Stojanovska, Social Protection Delivery System Coordinator, Social Services Improvement Project and Second Social Services Improvement Project, Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth of the Republic of North Macedonia
Mr. Ambrish Shahi, Senior Social Protection Specialist, The World Bank
Mr. Joe Zaarour, Digital Social Protection Advisor, World Food Programme
Moderator: Mr. Sarang Chaudhary, Advisor for Digital Social Protection, GIZ