Talking Interoperability #18 – Rwanda
As Rwanda advances its digital transformation efforts, interoperability has become a key enabler for delivering efficient and inclusive social protection services. This session focused on Rwanda’s Social Registry, a foundational tool designed to enhance data-driven decision-making and improve service coordination across government institutions.
The presentation highlighted the Social Registry’s role in streamlining beneficiary identification, reducing duplication, and ensuring targeted support for vulnerable populations. It will also explore interoperability challenges and solutions, including data governance, system integration, and collaboration across sectors.
Additionally, the session provided insights into ongoing and future initiatives aimed at strengthening interoperability, aligning with Rwanda’s NST2 priorities and broader digitalization strategies. Attendees gained a deeper understanding of how Rwanda is leveraging digital tools to create a more responsive, efficient, and transparent social protection system.
Ariane Mugisha, Chief Digital Officer, MINALOC
Albin Shema, Senior Software Developer, MINALOC
Murodjon Khalikov, Chief Specialist, National Agency for Social Protection, Uzbekistan
Mostafa Ghaly, Business Transformation Officer, World Food Programme
Christabel E. Dadzie, Sr. Social Protection Specialist, World Bank

French recording

Portuguese recording

Spanish recording