Standards Drafting Groups
Standards Drafting Groups draft the specifications for process, data elements and API for a chosen interface relevant for integrated and interoperable social protection delivery systems, as e.g. discussed in the past Interoperability in Action workshops.
These Standards Drafting Groups may be formed by any entity including a group of members supported by DCI, other initiatives, or independent entities.
The Standards Drafting Group notifies the DCI about its intent to submit the draft standards at least four weeks in advance to enable setting up a standards committee to review and build consensus on the standards. The standards documentation would be made available open-source on GitBook/ GitHub to ensure a transparent reviewing process.

For the CRVS and SP-MIS standards, the draft was submitted by a team of Access Health international.

Integrated Beneficiary Registry & Social Registry
For the Integrated Beneficiary Registry and SP-MIS standards, and the Social Registry and the SP-MIS standards, the draft was submitted by a group of experts from different backgrounds.