The session is a deep dive into the architecture of Kutumba, an Integrated Social Information System that facilitates seamless data exchange across a range of systems (e.g. social registry, identification system, beneficiary registries, integrated beneficiary registry, payment platform, grievance redressal system) to deliver social protection most effectively.

The second session of the dialogue series discussed the experience of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security (CBSS) achieving interoperability across 3,000 social sector actors in Belgium.

Republic of Türkiye
The third session of the dialogue series discussed the experience of the Republic of Türkiye building the Integrated Social Assistance System (ISAS). Through the development of ISAS, Türkiye standardized, integrated, and converted its previously paper-based social assistance procedures into an electronic system..

The fourth session of the dialogue series will discuss the experience of the Chilean Ministry of Social Development and Family with its integrated Social Information Registry (Registro de Información Social – RIS).

The fifth session of the dialogue series discussed the experience of the Cambodian General Secretariat for the National Social Protection Council (GS-NSPC) in harmonizing digital social protection.

The sixth session of the dialogue series will discuss the experience of the social security institutions, and in particular the National Old-Age Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse – CNAV) of France, leveraging interoperability techniques to integrate the information systems of individual social programmes and how they put into practice current trends towards the coordination of social policies and programmes.

The seventh session of the Talking interoperability webinar series will discuss the experience of the Zambian Ministry of Community Development and Social Services with the implementation of Zambia Integrated Social Protection Information System (ZISPIS).

The eighth session of the DCI Talking interoperability webinar series will discuss the challenges that Brazil faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and what was learned for the future in terms of supporting and developing public policies benefitting Brazilian citizen. The Brazilian state commissioned Dataprev, a fully state-owned company, to find digital solutions for creating more integrated social protection systems, crossing over 24 different databases.


The tenth session of the Interoperability Dialogue series show cased Uzbekistan’s Social Protection Single Registry (SPSR), an integrated social protection information platform designed in 2018 by the Ministry of Finance. SPSR facilitates seamless end-to-end delivery of various programs, including digitalization of the processes of beneficiary registration, eligibility, payment, updates, M&E, grievance, and fund allocation through an integrated platform.

This session aims to introduce the Jordan National Unified Registry (NUR) Platform to the attendees. The National Unified Registry (NUR) in Jordan has started as a System Integrator that aims to establish a back-end solution to connect multiple government databases using the National ID which is widely used in Jordan.

The 12th Talking Interoperability webinar presents the social protection system of Colombia highlighting the journey on setting up shock-responsive social protection systems leveraging technology and interoperability to build systems which are dynamic, flexible, and trusted like the Households Social Registry (HSR).

The 13th webinar “Talking Interoperability” will showcase Senegal’s social protection system and highlight the Registre National Unique (RNU), used by the government and various development partners to support the country’s most vulnerable populations.

The 14th session aims to introduce to attendees the Prakerja Case Study on how Prakerja Program as Indonesia’s Government Program has leveraged technology for social protection through developing work competencies and entrepreneurial skills. Also, highlight prakerja’s approach to interoperability within its systems and the challenges faced. The session will showcase technological innovations implemented by Prakerja to enhance interoperability within its ecosystem including API integrations, data standardizations and interoperable platforms adopted.

The 15th DCI Talking Interoperability session showcased Lebanon to demonstrate how digitalization can support the efficient delivery of social protection even in challenging contexts. Lebanon, facing multiple crises, took an exemplary approach and managed to initiate the establishment of a secure digital Social Registry (the DAEM).

The 16th DCI Talking Interoperability session focused on Azerbaijan. One of the key objectives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of Azerbaijan is to streamline and digitalize social service processes through innovative solutions. Over 90% of social services in the country have already been digitalized, with several new digital projects now underway. The webinar covers the electronic services and digital initiatives in the social sphere and the interoperability architecture of the different systems.

North Macedonia
North Macedonia. The country presented on the launch of their new integrated Social Welfare Information System, which streamlines workflows for cash benefits, social services, and case management.

. The country presented on Rwanda’s Social Registry, a foundational tool designed to enhance data-driven decision-making and improve service coordination across government institutions.