Steering Committee

Steering Committee


The Digital Convergence Initiative is a multi-stakeholder initiative. Strategic guidance is being provided by its Steering Committee, composed of representatives of the co-funding and implementing partners:


"We are excited to be supporting this multi-partner initiative, which will strengthen the DCI to continue supporting the human-centred transformation of social protection systems globally. Digitalisation is one of the EU’s priorities and a key area of partnership of the Global Gateway. Through this initiative, we seek to boost human-centred digitalisation of social protection systems, while promoting European values and standards, including accessibility and data protection." Doerte Bosse Deputy Head of Unit, INTPA G4- Social Inclusion and Protection, Health and Demography, European Commission
"Social Protection is a priority of Germany’s development cooperation focussing on supporting partner countries in building their own national social protection and health care systems. Digital technologies are the backbone of these systems. I am therefore convinced that the DCI is an important global initiative advancing technical standards and interoperability of digital systems which are able to deliver social protection benefits efficiently and adequately. Furthermore, the DCI is a good example of a fruitful multistakeholder approach contributing to the realization of the vision of USP2030. As member of the DCI Steering Comittee I am glad to contribute to this joint endeavor." Alexander Schrade Senior Policy Officer, Division Population Policy, Social Protection, BMZ
"Technical standards for digital social protection provide orientation to software providers and to those who decide on the deployment of these systems, in our partner governments or development partner institutions; they allow interoperability within the sector as well as to “neighboring” sectors – in short: they can unfold a catalytic function to advance coverage and delivery of social protection. Standards can only be defined in a joint endeavor. The DCI is a great example of such a joint endeavor and I am glad to contribute." Ralf Radermacher Coordinator, Sector Initiative Social Protection & Global Alliances for Social Protection, GIZ
"I am Social Protection Policy Specialist at the ILO. Working at a standard-setting organization, we support countries to develop policy, legal, financing and implementation frameworks to ensure people everywhere are able to realize the human right to social security. Interoperability is a key feature for the development of reliable delivery systems. As such, the DCI is important for turning into reality the commitment we have made with the USP2030 partnership: a world where everyone has effective access to social protection when they need it." Veronika Wodsak Social Protection Policy Specialist, International Labour Organization
"Fantastic to be on the Steering Committee of the Digital Convergence Initiative along with colleagues of the European Commission, BMZ, GIZ, ILO, Expertise France and FIIAPP. DCI  is an excellent example of collaboration to contribute to flexible, adaptive social protection systems in the light of existing and future crises. I am excited to be part of the efforts of the initiative to present robust, integrated solutions to countries through promoting standards around interoperability with the aim to strengthen social protection delivery and shock responsiveness." Melis Guven Global Lead for Social Protection Delivery Systems (and Lead Economist) Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice, World Bank Group
"Excited to contribute to the global effort towards the realisation of the USP2030. Todays critical economic and environmental challenges, emphasize the importance of efficient social protection systems. Expertise France as part of the AFD Group is eager to take part in this ambitious initiative and support partner countries that are committed towards building interoperable social protection systems, for robust and responsive social security for everyone." Elodie Montetagaud Head of the Social Protection and Decent Work Unit at Expertise France
"The effective fulfilment of the right to social protection ensures cohesive societies where all people can lead dignified and full lives, covering fundamental rights and services such as access to social security or health, among others. In a constantly changing world facing ongoing challenges, social protection policies must also adapt and leverage the use of new technologies. This is where the Digital Convergence Initiative becomes particularly relevant, working towards the interoperability of digital social protection systems within the framework of USP 2030. As a Programme Manager at FIIAPP, I am proud to participate in this joint effort and happy to work alongside colleagues and organizations in this essential endeavour." Raúl Martín Garcés Programme Manager, FIIAPP
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