
Dialogue series: Session 11 – Jordan

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Integrated Social Protection Information System

The session will offer simultaneous interpretation (Arabic and French).

Talking interoperability is a dialogue series being convened by the Digital Convergence Initiative (DCI) to facilitate in-depth technical conversations around designing for interoperability in the social protection sector. By bringing together digital social protection and technology experts from government agencies, software vendors, system integrators, and international organizations, DCI aims to promote peer-based learning and problem-solving through:

  • sharing the technical nitty-gritty of how agencies have designed their social protection information systems for interoperability.
  • understanding how agencies have tackled the major challenges to interoperability.
  • brainstorming potential solutions to remaining bottlenecks

This session aims to introduce the Jordan National Unified Registry (NUR) Platform to the attendees. The National Unified Registry (NUR) in Jordan has started as a System Integrator that aims to establish a back-end solution to connect multiple government databases using the National ID which is widely used in Jordan. The first phase of the system was concluded in 2019 by connecting more than 30 databases including (Civil Status and Passport Department, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Social Development, Social Security Corporation, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Department of Land & Survey, Drivers & Vehicles Licensing Department, and others). The data is used to enhance the targeting of the Cash Transfer Program as well as to verify the information of other assistance programs such as the Bread Subsidy Cash compensation using administrative sources that were connected to the platform.

The Second Phase of the NUR has started in 2022 with the objective of establishing a unified intake channel for the NUR to serve as a unified registration form (front-end) for Social Protection Programs in Jordan. The front-end will build on the success of the Registration Platform of the Cash Transfer Program which is currently being integrated with the back-end. The end goal of the NUR system is to become the single gateway for people in Jordan who are seeking social assistance.


Dr. Sabri Al-Zboun, National Aid Fund, Head of National Unified Registry Technical Committee

Mr. Yousef Khamees, Ministry of Digital Economy & Entrepreneurship,  Head of Infrastructure & Cloud Services and a member of the NUR Technical Committee

Mr. Jeries Shahin, World Bank, Senior Social Protection Systems Consultant

Mr. Wael Zaatar, Sr. Technical Project Manager & Lead Technical Specialist for the NUR


Dr. Ahmet Fatih Ortakaya, Senior Social Protection Specialist, World Bank

Sengchheang Chhun, ICT and Digitalisation Advisor, GIZ Cambodia

Opening Remarks:

Ernesto Brodersohn, Coordinator of Technical Commissions on Management and ICT, ISSA

Closing remarks: 

Mr. Khalid Ahmed Ali Moheyddeen, Senior Social Protection Specialist, World Bank


Mr. Luca Pellerano, Senior Social Protection Specialist, Arab States, ILO

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