Dialogue series: Session 3 – Türkiye

The third session of the dialogue series discussed the experience of the Republic of Türkiye building the Integrated Social Assistance System (ISAS). Through the development of ISAS, Türkiye standardized, integrated, and converted its previously paper-based social assistance procedures into an electronic system.
This harmonized digital platform handles application/registration, eligibility determination, payments, and M&E for all social assistance programmes. It therefore performs a Social Registry function and an Integrated Beneficiary Registry function, while also supporting further operations along the delivery chain.
Leveraging the national ID system, the ISAS integrates data from 28 different public institutions and provides 120 web-based services in one easily accessible digital platform.
Ercan Dansuk – Senior Social Protection Specialist, General Directorate of Social Assistance, Ministry of Family and Social Services, Türkiye
Ali Demiröz – Head of Social Assistance Applications, General Directorate of Information Technologies, Ministry of Family and Social Services, Türkiye
Ahmet Yortanlı – Senior software engineer, Ministry of Family and Social Services, Türkiye
Rajiv Chawla – Chief Knowledge Officer and Advisor, National Farmers’ Welfare Implementation Society & Former Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka, India
Ubah Thomas Ubah – Social Protection Specialist & Co-Lead for Core-MIS, World Bank
Madhumitha Hebbar – Independent Consultant, GIZ